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Planning Board Minutes 09/17/2007 - Work Session
Town of Chichester
Office of the Planning Board
54 Main Street
Chichester, New Hampshire  03258
(603) 798-4350   Fax (603) 798-3170

Minutes of Work Session
September 17, 2007

Members Present:  Chairman Brad Towle, Jonna McIntosh, Fred Ruoff, Chris Weir (alt), David Kenneally (alt), Richard Moore (alt), Secretaries Andrea Deachman and Jamie Pike.

Chairman Towle called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Mr. Towle advised that there would not be any testimony heard from the audience during this work session.

Mr. Towle reported to the members the discussion that took place at the office of CLD Engineering Consultants earlier in the day.  Primarily reviewed were the engineering comments received from CLD concerning the developments of Mr. Giuda and Mr. Merrill.  Each of CLD’s comments were reviewed and addressed.

The comments from CLD were reviewed by the board and discussed at length.  The Board directed that a letter be sent to both applicants expressing their submission requests that are needed for further review.  The letter is to request the following items as applicable to the applicant for submission:

1       Traffic Study of all surrounding connections (Perry Brook Rd., Hilliard Rd., Swiggey Brook Rd, Healy Pasture Rd., Pleasant St., and Kelly’s Corner Rd.) to include sight distances and existing road conditions.
2       Application for subdivision or lot line adjustment for property of Mr. John Maguire (Map 9, Lot 14) for purposes of the creation of Right-Of-Way through said property.
3       Deed for conveyance of Right-Of-Way through said property of Mr. John Maguire (Map 9, Lot 14)
4       Any and all plans that were submitted to the State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
5       Current Declaration of Condominium including all corrections and changes.
6       Current set of plans including:
a.      Removal of Map 10 Lot 9A.
b.      Removal of all well radii located within the public right-of-way.
c.      Utility trench layout and design.
d.      Preliminary driveway locations
7       Submission of EPA Storm Water Permit Application

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Towle and seconded by Mr. Kenneally to adjourn the meeting at 8:35pm.  Motion Passes.

Respectfully submitted:

Jamie Pike,                                                             

Bradley J. Towle, Chairman